Saltwater Reels

Saltwater Reels come in all kinds of options and at times it can be overwhelming to have so many variants. So we have split it into a few easy to navigate categories including; Star Drag Reels, Lever Drag Reels, Spinning Reels, and Low Profile Saltwater Reels.

Star Drag Reels are going to be great option for smaller game fish or fishing close to the Island. When I say small, meaning less than 100 lbs Tuna. These reels are great becuase you can adjust yor drag system on the fly and get out of sketchy situations if necessary.

Lever Drag and 2-Speed Reels are great reels for either big game or deep water fishing. The 2-speed mechanism will reduce the amount of line you crack in per turn on the handle, thus putting less pressure on the rod and yourself.

Low Profile Reels are the ideal reel for most beginners as it can be used in many fishing situations and equipped with a line guide, it makes it so you have one less thing to worry about when reeling in your line or fighting a fish.

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